Monday, 1 March 2010

Question 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?


A promotional package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with:

  • A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);

  • A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

For my ancillary texts, which I began producing first as this was individual work; I wanted to include several images for my cover as we had planned on including ‘picture in picture’ in our video. Several ideas arose with the possibility of using photography of the band I had taken in the woodland and making some type of montage that included several of them. However my alternative idea was using a rubix cube. After showing several friends both of my ideas (unfinished) the preferred the idea which represented a rubix cube. As my friends fitted the criteria of my target audience, I took their feedback seriously and this is what I produced as my front cover of my digipak.

This is my house style guide:

Colour Pallet

= ffe900

= 0f8a0e

= 00079e

= fe0000


Verdana Bold


Straight Lines

Light and Bright Lighting

‘Indie’ Clothing Throughout

These four print screens were taken out of the video so you are able to see the same usage of the colour pallet in my music video as well as my digipak and my advert.

This is a cropped version of my advert so that you can see the colour alterations...
Price, Product, Place and Promotion
For my advertisement and digipak to have similar conventions of a real media text I needed to pay attention to the small details such as 'Where will my advert be shown?' 'How much will my album cost?' 'Which TV Music Channels are likely to show my music video?' I looked into prices of a Magazine Advertisement and found that they are quite pricey. Therefore as my band I am advertising will be Unknown to many readers of the magazine I need a colourful advert to 'catch the readers eye' but at a reasonable price to keep the band in supply of funds.
On the Internet I found that the average price for quarter of an inside page of an A4 Magazine is £450 which I think seems quite realistic for my band. The type of Magazine I would want to advertise it in would be NME (reason for choosing a quote from them for the advert). The digipak itself would hopefully be on sale in HMV and on the website. Online shopping is increasing annually and so websites such as Amazon would also be a good place to sell such album. The price for this would be £7.99 in shops and for iTunes download £5.99 currently due to the band still having low status. Hopefully if the album and band are successful then they would be able to increase their profits by increasing costs of their merchandise due to fans wanting to buy it.

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