Friday 11 December 2009

Here is a montage that I made to show the ideas I had when first listening to the song. I imagined making a romantic music video with mise en scene such as dark lighting in a romantic city setting with stars (flying around the world). However... this is not what my partner had in mind, and after watching music videos of bands such as Scouting for Girls we didn't think that this type of music video would appeal to our target audience.


  1. Lauren, I'm afraid this is not going to be a high scoring blog...after all this time??!!!

    There is hardly any research, what there is, is not really of an A2 standard. the planning is moving in the right direction, but there is a lack of coherence and real demonstration of knowledge and understanding of course concerns.

    the idea here is that you research a good range of videos, you explore the whole form of music videos...why did they come about? what are there for? How do they communicate to the audience? How have they developed? Detailed analysis of a good range of videos using appropriate terms. (technical terms sheet from last year).

    You then begin to develop an idea for a music video based on this research...a mood board is a good start, then more detailed planning leading to a storyboard, moving through the process, until you create a time plan for filming.

    I don't understand why this hasn't been soerted out yet, given the handouts in class and the discussions we have had.

    I cannot pass this Lauren! Please give me something I can give a a good grade to, something worthy of you ability.

    Initial Assessment:
    At this point your research and planning is /Basic/

    Based on the comments above, which of these areas do you think you could improve on?

    research into similar products and a potential target audience.

    organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.

    work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

    Time management.

    level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.

    skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.

    communication skills.

    I would like to discuss this with you. immediately! I will mark the research and planning for the final time after Christmas.
