Sunday, 20 September 2009

My Project Has Been Picked...

For my A2 Media coursework I have decided to produce a music video. The reasons behind this are that to produce a children's TV drama you are quite restricted with what you can do, and the locations you can use. The majority of childrens TV dramas are based in realistic settings e.g. school, home or park. I wanted to have the chance to be more experimental with my project therefore music video is for me.

Firstly my partner and I needed to decide what music to use as our song. We went onto Myspace and found several unsigned artists whose music we liked. Therefore as we had found several songs we liked we emailed the artists.

This was our email:

Dear .....................,

We are Lucy and Lauren and we are currently at a sixth form college in Worcester, England. One of our recent projects is to create a music video that includes a track of our choice. This is the difficult part... We have searched Myspace and have come across you. Your music is really remarkable and we would be honoured to be able to feature any of your music in our music video. The music video we produce will only be used for classroom purposes and to be sent off for evaluation by an exam board; unless you would like it to be shown elsewhere for advertisement. We would really appreciate it if you could get back to us asap so that we can begin production soon as we have deadlines to meet.

Even if we are unfortunate and do not get the go ahead to use your music, we would just like to say what a great artist you are, and keep up the good work!

From, Lucy and Lauren

After sending this email we recieved several responses, all saying YES! One of the artists we had responded to our email was a female artist called Hashell and she had even contacted her manager to already produce a contract. We thought that there was a lot of extra work needed to use one of her songs, and she seemed to be signed.

The best way to decide who we would use was to pick a song from each group and listen to them several times. Lucy and I were both coming up with ideas instantly while listening to the songs. We found it very difficult to think of appealing ideas for Hashell therefore her among others were rejected. Luckily we found a band called Lights and Sounds, who had up beat music that we both liked.

Our chosen artist: Lights and Sounds
Our chosen song: Fly Around The World.

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